
9.30-10.00 10.00-10.45 10.45-11.30

11.45-12.30 12.30-13.15

14/12/2024 Inauguration [CB] [AR] [PD] [EL] GD
15/12/2024 [HH] [JPD] [AS] [AJ] GD
16/12/2024 SP SP SP [YS] [BM] GD
17/12/2024 [YSh] [PS] GD GD GP
  • GD - Group Discussion
  • GP - Group Presentation
  • SP - Student Presentation [15 minute presentations by Ph.D. students on their recent results]
  • [CB]: Christina Boura, Transistor: a TFHE-friendly Stream Cipher
  • [AR]: Arnab Roy, New Design Approaches in Symmetric Cryptography
  • [PD]: Patrick Derbez, Alternative Key Schedules for the AES
  • [EL]: Eik List, Revisiting Demirci-Selcuk Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on the AES
  • [HH]: Hossein Hadipour, Revisiting Differential-Linear Attacks
  • [JPD]: Jean Paul Degabriele, Rugged Pseudorandom Permutations and Their Applications
  • [AS]: AndrĂ© Schrottenloher, Single-query Quantum Hidden Shift Attacks
  • [AJ]: Ashwin Jha, Evasive Properties: A Gap in the Quantum Oracles Zoo
  • [BM]: Bart Mennink, Efficient Instances of Docked Double Decker With AES, and Application to Authenticated Encryption
  • [YS]: Yu Sasaki, Committing Security of Authenticated Encryption
  • [YSh]: Yaobin Shen, Security Analyses and Enhanced Variants of Standardized MAC Algorithms
  • [PS]: Palash Sarkar, Two Decades of Research on Tweakable Enciphering Schemes

Student Presentation Schedule

  • Michiel Verbauwhede, COSIC, KU Lueven: Ultrametric Integral Cryptanalysis: The Lost Slides
  • Dilip Kumar Sau, IIT Bhilai, Know-Thy-Basis: Decomposing F_{2^6} for Lightweight S-box implementation
  • Ajay Kumar Das, IIT Bhilai, Programmatic SAT: A Companion for Domain (CRYPTO) Specific Solver
  • Prathamesh Ram, IIT Bhilai, Simple vs Vectorial: Exploiting Structural Symmetry to beat the ZeroSum distinguisher
  • Smita Das, IIT Kharagpur, Related-Key Cryptanalysis of FUTURE The Full Round Distinguishing Attack
  • Debadrita Talapatra, IIT Kharagpur, Fast and Efficient Computations on Symmetric Encrypted Data
  • Debasmita Chakraborty, ISI Kolkata, Lower Bound on the Number of Compression Calls for a Collision Resistance Preserving Hash
  • Shreya Dey, TCG CREST, Multi User Security of CLRW1^4
  • Hrithik Nandi, TCG CREST, Optimally Secure TBC Based Accordion Mode
  • Sougata Mandal, TCG CREST, Designing Large Tweak TBC in Ideal Cipher Model